Instructions for Authors and for Submission of ManuscriptsThis version of the "Guide for Authors" replaces all previous versions. Cover letterSubmissions should include a cover letter explaining what type of paper is being submitted (note, research article, review article, field guide, book review, etc.). The letter should indicate that the work was done by the author(s), that all coauthors agree with submission, and that it is not underconsideration for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should also briefly explain the importance of their work, and why it should be published in the Caribbean Journal of Earth Science. ReviewersThe author(s) should provide a list of THREE potential reviewers for the work. Note that the Editor may not select those suggested. Should there be a potential reviewer who might be biased against the work the author(s) may also indicate any potential reviewers who they think might show bias. Contribution of authors[New for volume 51] The authors should list a statement entitled "contribution of each author" (which will be inserted before the Acknowledgement section) in which the contribution to the work of each author should be briefly explained. GeneralAll papers should be written in English and must not exceed 10,000 words, including the abstract, references and figure captions. Both American English and English English are acceptable, but not a mix. Papers with poor English will be returned to the authors for rewritting. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their respective papers and for the correctness of their references. The Editor/TypeSetter will carry out minor editing wherever appropriate to make a manuscript consistent with the style of the Caribbean Journal of Earth Science. SI units should be used throughout (equivalents in imperial units may be given with conversion for previously published units). Footnoots should be avoided. Use normal sentance style (capitals at start of sentances and for proper nouns, etc.) and DO NOT TRY TO FOLLOW THE JOURNAL'S STYLE for titles and references, etc. Titles should be in SENTENCE CASE and NOT in CAPS or SMALL CAPS. Formatting for publication will be done by the Journal following acceptance of the paper. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout and left justified (do not fully justify the text). DO not use spaces to align any parts of the manuscript. There are no plates; photographic illustrations should therefore be treated as figures. Figures may be inserted in the text of the paper or at the end of the paper. Figures should be saved at sufficiently high resolution (tiff or jpg format) and then embedded within the text. It will be necessary to obtain the original files for type-setting and images embedded in Word are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please see below for further details on figures. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, Caribbean Journal of Earth Science. The entire paper will become the property of the Caribbean Journal of Earth Science after it is published and a copyright will be placed on it. By submitting the paper for publication, you are assigning the copyright of the work to the Geological Society of Jamaica. LayoutThe text should be arranged as follows:
Bertrand, R. 1987. A review of the Quaternary of Jamaica. In: Ahmad, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of a workshop on the status of Jamaican geology. Special Publication of the Geological Society of Jamaica, 331-335. Chubb, L.J. 1980. The Wall collection of Cretaceous molluscs in the British Museum (Natural History). Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica, 21, 52-53. Geological Survey Department. 1954. Annual report for the financial year 1952-53. Geological Survey Department, Kingston, Jamaica, 6 pp. Porter, A.R.D., Jackson, T.A. and Robinson, E. 1982. Minerals and Rocks of Jamaica. Jamaica Publishing House, Kingston, 174 pp. Please note the positioning of authors initials, the use of commas, etc. Manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) if incorrect reference styles are used. Page ProofsAuthors will receive a pdf of the paper prior to publication. Authors should check for errors in typesetting at this time, paying particular attention to non-standard symbols. Extensive revisions of the paper are generally not permitted at this time. OffprintsThe CJES no longer supplies offprints. A single high-quality copy of the final version of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author. This may be circulated in electronic format or paper format to individuals. The pdf should NOT be mounted on an open access website, unless permission is given by the Geological Society of Jamaica. External links to the paper are permitted provided that the link indicates that it is linking to the Caribbean Journal of Earth Science. Method for SubmissionAll material for the paper should be emailed or provided on an ftp site. It is suggested that the following method is used: 1. Send an email with ONLY the covering letter as an attachment. In this email list the complete list of files being submitted. 2. Send an email with the manuscript file (in MS Word). 3. Send additional material (tables, figures, supplementary information) as successive emails Submit papers to the editor: Permission to ReproducePlease contact the Editor for permission to reproduce part, or the whole, of a paper published in the Caribbean Journal of Earth Science (or its earlier incarnations Geonotes and The Journal of the Geological Society of Jamaica). |
Copyright (©): The Geological Society of Jamaica 2021 |